Saturday, December 30

Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024

Farewell, 2023: A Year of Growth and New Discoveries

As the year 2023 comes to a close, it’s time to bid farewell
with joy and gratitude, and welcome the new year 
with hope and excitement.

Reflecting on the past year, I noticed I created fewer digital drawings 
compared to previous years. Despite my desire to expand 
my digital offerings on Etsy and Payhip
the last quarter kept me busy with other priorities.

On a brighter note, 2023 gave me the opportunity 
to dive deeper into traditional arts. I experimented with hand-drawn 
paintings and colored pencil drawings, and I found great joy 
in creating with acrylics, watercolors, and gouache.
 It was also a year of exploration in modern art forms, 
such as abstract, semi-abstract, and messy art styles.

Another exciting discovery was my introduction to 
NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and digital assets through platforms 
like TikTok and Instagram. This opened up a whole new 
world of possibilities and inspiration.

There’s still so much to learn and create, and I look forward 
to 2024 with optimism—not just for myself but for everyone.

Below are some random artworks I created this year—snapshots 
of a year filled with creativity and growth.

Here’s to a wonderful new year ahead!

acrylic and colored pencils

acrylic and colored pencils

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